natnat @ evania

Monday, July 23, 2007

Last night i was invited to a fancy dress party at Emmas. I went as a Sailor. Emma was a bunny. Lots of people dropped by, one even bought her TV!! I didn't stay too long though, i wanted to be up the next morning for a birthday. She came by mine before bed as she needed some peaches. It was the least i could do after a lovely party.

I got Elvis the reggae shirt he has been asking about for his birthday. He was he's usual rude self, but he seemed really pleased i came to his party. Chevre was there, i didn't know they where friends.

Later on while running around looking for fossils, Poppy came running into my town. First I was thanked for my letter, which she got, then invited back to her place.She was very excited and wanted to show me something.

When we got to her town we went in her house, and she had had a new kitchen installed. It was lovely, with all the latest gadgets. She must really like to cook.

But this was not what had got her so excited. We ran round to her museum. And there is was... dino poo. She had helped her museum complete it's fossil collection. This fossil had been a hard one to find. We had to have a photo taken infront of the poo.

Well done Poppy on completeing your fossil collection for the town of puffin.

When I got home Yuka had packed up to move. I think she is following Rowan. I hope she doesn't get her heart broken.

Natnat Y


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